get connected

Most of what we do at Crossroads centers around relationships: between us and God, and between us and each other, So we don’t do a whole bunch of different things. Instead, we really focus on a few of the basics that help us connect with God, and with each other as we do life together. If you’re looking for ways to plug in and are wondering where to start, here are some ideas:

Weekly Worship – We gather together every Sunday at 10:45 AM for a time of heartfelt worship and relevant teaching. Our style is casual (shorts or jeans and t-shirts), but we’re serious about connecting with God and following his plan for our lives. Join us this Sunday and meet some of the most genuine people you’ve ever met.  Email Melba for more info.

Small Groups – We place a high priority on authentic relationships, and our small groups (we call ’em Journey groups) are the main way we help you connect with others. Groups are varied in size, location, and agenda, but odds are there’s a group that’s right for you. Read more about our Journey Groups and feel free to email Melba for more info.

Kid’s Ministry –  We want to help our kids to connect with God and with other kids, too. You can read more about our kids ministry here. Please feel free to email Linda with any questions about how to get your kids involved.

Volunteer- Jumping in and using the gifts and talents God has given us is a lot of fun when we get to do that with a group of people we’re working alongside–and it’s a super easy way to get to know them better.  Check out this page for some of our current opportunities to volunteer to serve within our church family – we’d love to for you to join us!

Missions Stuff – Serving our community and our world together is a blast and is another great way to plug in and get to know people. Since missions is a core part of our identity, it has its own page. Email Melba if you want more info.