No matter where we are on life’s journey, we were never meant to travel it by ourselves. You were created for a close relationship with God and for close relationships with fellow-travelers you can do life alongside. And Crossroads really, really (really!) wants you to get more connected to God and to connect, and do life with, a community of people who are on the same journey you’re on.
We love doing life together all week as we have the opportunity to meet for coffee, a meal, and any other chance to meet and hang out. And our small groups (we call them Journey groups) are one of the major ways we connect and do life together. Our groups meet weekly in homes around our community and odds are there’s one that’s right for you.
In our Journey groups we:
- eat a meal together and catch up on life
- laugh (a lot)
- discuss a book of the Bible, a topic, or a Christian book or study with a lot of emphasis on applying what God’s teaching us to our lives
- laugh some more 🙂
- pray for each other
- serve together
- do things just for fun – a game night, movie night, etc.
- most of all we do life together and grow in our relationship with God and with each other
For more info about our current Journey groups, please email our formation pastor : Melba.
And we always have lots of info about our Journey groups available in our weekly info text, so be sure to sign up to get that on the footer of our homepage.